Wednesday, June 3, 2020

WWBC #11: Things I Wish I were Better At

Hello All !

One thing I wish I was better at is drawing. I had briefly developed a hobby of it. However, I stopped when I couldn't draw what I wanted. I would like to be able to draw flowers and people.

I also wish I was better at science, more specifically Chemistry . It just would have been less aggravating for everyone if I was able to grasp that subject during high school.

** This is a weekly blogging challenge hosted by

** I found that site through .


  1. I feel the same way about chemistry. I found it fascinating but couldn't get my head around it. I still haven't figured out how I managed to pass my agricultural science degree. It was full of chemistry!

  2. I wish I were better at drawing, too!

    My <a href="”>post</a>.

  3. Art is a process (I come from a family of artists!)… just keep practicing your craft and you'll get there.

    I'm here today:

  4. I never took chemistry, but the sciences as a whole were not my thing in school. re: drawing.. I love scribbling and painting. I found a Bob Ross channel on my Roku a week or so ago.... when I get that ability to stretch time (or retire) I'll have to spend more time with him.

  5. I loved my high school chemistry class. I had a really hot lab partner, too bad she had a boyfriend.

  6. Great post! I gave up my attempts at drawing years ago. I believe the reason I wanted to draw was due to the artistic talents of my mom and sister. Yet when I became much older, I found my own talents.

  7. I have no particular skill at drawing or chemistry either, so I feel you there. And while I don't much miss knowing about chemistry, I do sometimes wish I could draw (though I also admit that I would be a lot better at it if I'd, y'know, put in some time and practice).

    My answers are here.

  8. Ah yes, chemistry. I had a hard time with it, too and no one to help make it make more sense. I feel your pain.

  9. Drawing would be a handy and fun hobby. I channeled my desire for it into graphics.

    Here's what I wish I were better at:

  10. I didn't take chemistry. And I just find it awe-striking when I watch someone who can just pick up a pencil and whip out a drawing. Such a cool skill! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I liked chemistry, but was terrible at physics. Also drawing. I'd have liked to be better at both.
