Tuesday, July 9, 2024

TMST #28: Hobbies During the Pandemic


Hello All 

This topic I was looking forward to answering. I am also happy that I don't have to combine it with other topics.

This week's question/topic: Have you kept any hobbies that you started during the pandemic?

That is when I started with fluid painting. My first attempts were really ( how do I put this) not good. The biggest issue I had with it was the& consistency of the paint. I still have a problem with consistency. Only now it is with the result. I use the same tools, but I can't seem to get a one piece remotely to others.

For some of my fluidart pieces, search @sea_rose_touk_art on Instagram and for others pieces check out my Deviant Art page.

*** Until Next week....

*** Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That's What I'm Talking About


  1. That's a great hobby to have started and kept up with. I didn't get so creative. My daughter and I put together a Lego recreation of the Friends TV set, but that's about it.

  2. I checked out your artwork and it's lovely! I think it's great that you were able to start fluid panting at the start of the pandemic and have continued with it. I imagine it can be very rewarding. Have a great weekend!
