Thursday, October 17, 2024

Release Blitz: Rose Moon


On the outside, Karter appears to have the perfect life, but no one knows about the debilitating episodes that invade his mind and body. The only place he’s ever felt at ease is at his grandfather’s house, where he meets the mysterious Ella. As Karter and Ella get to know one another, they find themselvesconnected on a deeper level tt neither understands. Readers who enjoy forbidden romances will devour Rose Moon by Heidi Adams, a steamy paranormal romantasy.



  What secrets do we keep to protect the one we love? What lies do we tell, and what are we willing to sacrifice? Karter Quint has the perfect life: star athlete, gifted pianist, straight A-student, handsome and charismatic, he seems fated for success. What nobody knows is that he has battled debilitating episodes during which a strange force invades his mind and body. The only place where Karter truly feels at ease is at his grandfather’s house on the water in Cliff Island, Maine. There, he meets a mysterious girl named Ella and has an instant obsession. He learns that she is a Meridian, or mermaid. Karter and Ella find themselves connected on a higher level—a level that neither understands. They begin a heated and intense romance constrained by their limiting circumstances. However, loving Ella comes at a cost. Karter must take extreme measures of secrecy to protect her, straining relationships with his family and friends well into his adult life. Rose Moon is an emotional and epic love story, and the first in a paranormal romance series, that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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Copyright 2024, Heidi Adams

I wake up with a slight gasp. With my head still on my pillow, I look around my room, with a sensation of being watched. Yet there’s nothing unusual. I listen, but there are no sounds outside of the ordinary. Then I feel it. The pull from my center again, just like last night. This pulling sensation guides me out of bed and moves me to the hall, past Poppy Joe’s room, down the stairs, and to the back door. It’s coming from outside. I slowly open the door and step onto the porch. The moon is full, and the bay is glimmering. The pull beckons me down the hill, where the grass is cool on my feet. On the dock, it’s even colder and eerily quiet. A shiver runs down my spine and arms, and the hair raises on the back of my neck. This strange force leads me to the edge of the dock, and I slowly sit down. The water starts to glow a yellowy green as wet skin on a beautiful body emerges. My heart races with fear, and I have the urge to run, but then a calming feeling hits me. My jaw opens, my heart pounds in my ears, and I haven’t moved a muscle. It’s Ella. We lock eyes for what seems like an eternity. “I was hoping I would see you again. I am not going to hurt you,” she finally says. I try to form a word, but nothing comes out. “Can I sit there next to you?” I nod. My eyes are wide, and I don’t think I’ve blinked since she appeared. She pulls herself out of the water and fixates on me. Her cheekbones are high, accenting her large, upturned eyes. Her lips are full and rosy. Our faces are inches apart. She slowly reaches towards my face and gently drags her fingers over my forehead, down my temple and cheek, ending at my jawline. I force myself to breathe. I’ve seen these eyes before. The green is gleaming within them, and they’re picking up a reflection. My gaze shifts from her face down her body… Instead of legs, she has a…tail, greenish in color, but I can’t tell because of the soft light radiating through it. Her tail is glowing. She’s a…mermaid. My heart races in fear again. She grips my shoulder, and intense peace radiates through me. I’m pulled into those mesmerizing eyes, like I’m part of her and have known her my whole life. I still haven’t spoken. “I have wanted to meet you for a long time,” she says. Her smile is warm and natural. My initial shock is starting to wear off. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. “You're…uh…um…glowing,” I finally say. She laughs. Beads of water drip off her long blonde hair. “Glad you noticed. I wanted you to see me for the first time in the dark.” “Uh-huh,” is all I can say. “Do you want to see me again?” “Yes,” I whisper. “Can you meet me out here tomorrow after midnight?” “Yes.” She takes my hand in hers. My breath catches. “How do you feel?” she whispers as she leans in closer. “Like this isn’t real.” “Good,” she says as she traces my face again. Her touch sends a wave of energy through me. “Until tomorrow.” Then she slips back into the water and disappears. It takes me a few minutes, but I slowly stand up and look around. The world is asleep, but I am wide awake.

Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

About Heidi Adams

Hi! My name is Heidi Adams, and I write wherever my characters guide me, which is mostly romance! A little paranormal/fantasy, a little contemporary, sometimes even a little dark. My characters take me on journeys that push me to the edge of my emotions with toe-curling passion, heart-pounding suspense that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and a ride full of twists and turns...but passion and love are always the driving force behind my characters and the heart of their stories. I love LOVE! And when I write, I escape into a world that love conquers all, even in the darkest of hours.

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VBT: Lesser Known Travel Tips Series



GENRE: Humor/Memoir



The Lesser Known Travel Tips memoirs are a hilarious series of travel misadventures and dubious personal introspection by Australian author Simon Yeats, who from an early age learned that the best way to approach the misfortunes of this world is to laugh about them.

Simon shares his comedic insights into the unusual and uproarious elements of living life as an Aussie ex-pat and having a sense of Wanderlust as pervasive as the Spanish Flu in 1918 or hordes of Mongols in 12th Century.

From how to keep yourself entertained when unwittingly forced to watch 11 hours of live sumo wrestling in Japan, to surviving heartbreak in India at the hands of a French flight attendant, to 48 hours spent in Nepal that qualify as the funniest most gut wrenching travel experience since Captain Bligh was set adrift in the Pacific, to his unsuccessful attempts at avoiding going to a brothel in Thailand. From what to do when several people converge to rob you after midnight on a deserted Copacabana Beach, to how to save the Sierra Mountain Range from a wildfire outbreak due to a lack of quality toilet paper, to where not to go in Tijuana when trying to locate the origins to stories of the city’s mythical adult entertainment, to how to save yourself from drowning when caught in a storm while sailing off the California coast. From how to outwit the Italian police while trying to find parking in downtown Genoa, to how to negotiate exploring the Roman ruins of Plovdiv, Bulgaria while on crutches, to how to impress the German Mafia with 80s dance moves, to how to leave a lasting impression on a crowded bar in Gothenburg, Sweden after combining alcohol and antibiotics.

Simon Yeats has gone into the world and experienced all the out of the ordinary moments for you to sit back and enjoy the experience without the need to break a leg, contract Dengue fever, or rupture a pancreas.



Excerpt from How to Start a Riot in a Brothel in Thailand by Ordering a Beer and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips

My family’s most cherished vacation when we were all kids was a trip we took to the South Island of New Zealand in the southern hemisphere Autumn of 1980. All our relatives live on the north island where my mum and dad both grew up on dairy farms. So, we had already made a trip or two to Auckland in my young life. My parents had emigrated to live in the tropical heat and brutal humidity of the northeast of Australia before any of us kids were born and given a choice in the matter.

There are four of us in my family. An elder brother, an older sister, me, and a younger sister. Each of us is quite different in our personality and our interests. My older sister is the athlete. My younger sister is the diplomat. My brother is the brainiac. Me? Well, I tend to just sit back and let my siblings be in the limelight.

You can imagine me as being the little kid running around in the playground under a mop of red hair being extra polite with all the other kids and no one teasing me at all for having red hair. Something close to that.

But among me and my siblings, none of us ever stole a car and took off for a joy ride. None of us have ever been arrested by undercover police for trying to sell them synthetic crack cocaine we had cooked up in the basement. None of us ever got in trouble for mislabeling someone by using the wrong pronoun. I mean, sure, I once got in trouble for calling my headmaster the C-word, but, other than that small blemish on my record, I considered myself an exemplary student. Our mum and dad were amazing parents to raise us all so well.

 We were a very content family growing up in the 70’s and 80’s while living in the sweltering pizza oven, otherwise known as North Queensland. What about central air conditioning? Oh, how entitled and twenty-first century of you to ask. Rubbing an ice cube across the forehead and asking my younger sister to blow against it. Does that count? Central air conditioning? No. There was none. Just like there was extraordinarily little to do in my hometown. Watching paint dry as a kid living in Townsville brought out the same level of unbridled fascination that I now see with adults viewing porn.

The reasoning behind there being nothing to do is obvious. It is not safe to do anything where I lived. Australian country towns are just holding pens for human beings surrounded by a natural species menagerie of death.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Simon Yeats has lived nine lives, and by all estimations, is fast running out of the number he has left. His life of globetrotting the globe was not the one he expected to lead. He grew up a quiet, shy boy teased by other kids on the playgrounds for his red hair. But he developed a keen wit and sense of humor to always see the funnier side of life.

With an overwhelming love of travel, a propensity to find trouble where there was none, and being a passionate advocate of mental health, Simon’s stories will leave a reader either rolling on the floor in tears of laughter, or breathing deeply that the adventures he has led were survived.

No author has laughed longer or cried with less restraint at the travails of life.

Amazon Author



A randomly drawn winner will be awarded a $25 Amazon/BN gift card.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Book Blast: Spirience

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Spirience: Experiencing Peace and Prosperity through Spirituality and Science is a unique and comprehensive look at the importance of spirituality and science to guide our day-to-day living at a personal level, and to achieve peace and prosperity at a global. The term 'spirience' is a blend of two words: spirituality and science. It captures the essence of spirituality in its prefix "spiri-," and the domain of science in its suffix "-ence".

The importance of such a work lies in the challenges faced by the world today, conflicts between nations and ideologies at the global level and the explosion of mental health issues at a personal level. The book will first set the scene to understand the challenges faced by humanity today and the tools that we have to overcome them. An in-depth look at the treasure trove of texts from India's Vedic past, highlighting the spiritual as well as scientific aspects, will be complemented by a study of the evolution of mankind over the past millennia, changes in the way of life and the current levels of extreme discontinuity brought on by an onrush of technological innovations.

Recommendations for going forward will be presented for the readers to ponder and hopefully incorporate in their personal, professional and social lives. The book will be of great value to anyone interested in or active in personal well-being and global peace and prosperity.

Read an Excerpt

Spirience: A Fusion of Experiences

By knowing a single lump of earth, you know all objects made of earth. All changes are mere those of words . . .
Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.1.4

Spirience is an experience. It’s my experience, your experience, everyone’s experience. It is an experience that celebrates the solidarity between spirituality and science. Spirituality and science are like flowers and their fragrance; they share an inseparable bond. When it comes to prosperity and achieving inner peace, integrating these two fields proves immensely beneficial. Any discovery or reflection that strays from life proves fruitless. The union of spirituality and science forms a magnificent connection to life’s more profound experiences. While our bodies are crafted from “star stuff,” our souls seek peace and prosperity. We’ve all observed how deeply woven they are into the fabric of our existence, even if only in simple ways.

Today, we live in an era where understanding the interwoven relationship between spirituality and science has become essential. Our connections have extended beyond our families to include those of the larger world. We are even exploring life on other planets, signifying our desire to expand our relationships even further. Our existence now extends from our homes to the cosmos. Today’s human beings see themselves as part of the universe. The ancient Indian scriptures often mention pinḍeṣu brahmāṇḍeṣu—likening the individual self to the cosmos. The microcosm of humankind is reflected in the macrocosm of the universe and vice versa.

The term “spirience” is a blend of two words: spirituality and science. It captures the essence of spirituality in its prefix “spiri-,” and the domain of science in its suffix “-ence.” This innovative term goes beyond its grammatical structure to emphasize the sentiments integrated within. It represents a harmonious fusion of life’s two great streams encapsulated in a single word that symbolizes the profound interconnection between these two realms.

My Journey with Spirience

My journey with the title Spirience is deeply intertwined with a few experiences I’ve had. The concept and title of this book took shape last year when I was in America. I had the fortunate opportunity to witness the creation of the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex in Robbinsville, New Jersey. Akshardham is a beacon of spirituality and culture. While observing its construction, I was captivated by the seamless blend of spirituality and science that expressed itself. It was as though they were intertwined in dance to co-create a rejuvenating spring of inspiration for all of society. It repeatedly felt as though science had lifted spirituality on its shoulders or spirituality had extended a welcoming invitation to science.

About the Authors:

Mahamahopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami

An esteemed Swami of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and Head of the BAPS Research Institute in New Delhi, Bhadreshdas Swami’s scholarly work Svāminārāyaṇabhāṣya is a profound Sanskrit commentary on the Prasthānatrayī. With a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and multiple honorary degrees, his contributions to the field are widely recognized.

V. I. Lakshmanan, O.C., Ph.D.

Co-founder of Process Research ORTECH and a leader in sustainable technology, Lakshmanan holds numerous patents and has published over 150 scientific works. His accolades include being named an Officer of the Order of Canada and receiving the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award from the Government of India.

S. Kalyanasundaram

With 25 years of experience in advanced technologies for telecommunication networks and serving as the former Executive Director of the Canada India Foundation, Kalyanasundaram enriches the book’s exploration of the synergy between ancient knowledge and modern science.

Spirience is available through major retailers. Discover how this book’s unique integration of spirituality and science can guide you toward a more peaceful and prosperous life.


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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Book Blast: Spiral


GENRE: Horror Thriller



They’re in the number one watched game in the world… or so they were told. But they have no memory of who or where they are. Something beyond their wildest imaginations awaits to mercilessly strike them down. And looming in the darkness is something worse... much worse.

Green—named after the color of car he's driving—awakens on the side of a dark highway surrounded by dense forest. And he's in an old muscle car with no way to tell time, no cell phone, and the radio doesn’t work. When he encounters others like himself, they have to join forces to unravel the mystery surrounding them. Yet, trust doesn't come easily—someone amongst them is a saboteur.

With their lives at stake, they are compelled to engage in a race where being last means certain death. They must disentangle the truth that threatens to consume them, before they spiral out of control.

Spiral is a gripping tale of survival, coalition, and the terrifying secrets that lie hidden in the shadows.

Prepare for a rip-roaring, adrenaline-fueled ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

If you enjoy books by authors like Dean Koontz and Blake Crouch that involve supernatural thrills laced with fast-paced action, then check out Randy Dean Noble's exciting horror thriller, Spiral, today.



A void of consuming gloom surrounded me. I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. I felt the cool metal of the Maglite in my hand, but it wasn’t working. I fiddled with it, smacked it a couple times, but it offered no assistance, so I pocketed it.

With my hands out, I felt around for anything to grab hold of. There was nothing, like I was in a complete void, space without the view, but I could breathe. I consciously took slow and steady breaths, remaining calm.

“Hello,” I said. “Anyone there? White? Anybody?”

Nothing. Did they not walk through yet?

Something snorted nearby—it didn’t sound human. And then it started breathing heavily, in and out, in and out, moving closer with every breath and a CLICK with every step as if its nails—claws—were too long.

Like nails on a chalkboard, but what I could only picture as claws dragging across a metal surface, a SCREEEEEEEEEE emanated very close by. I walked in the opposite direction, trying to keep my wits about me.


I didn’t run, moving slow and steady, hands out, trying not to bash into anything, as the breathing thing followed behind, too close for comfort.


Somehow, it knew where I was, could see in pitch black.

Every tweak I made in direction changed nothing. I couldn’t lose it. The thing was close behind me.


A low, rumbling growl vibrated through the darkness.


I maintained my path, keeping straight… hopefully. So dark.


My confidence waned. I darted forward.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Randy Dean Noble is a supernatural thriller kind of guy. He grew up in Canada on a slew of movies and books (action/adventure, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy), all of which have inspired his writing interests. Working a plethora of minimum wage jobs took Randy into computer science and a career in I.T. (because he didn't want to eat PB&J for the rest of his life). But his passion has always been writing, and his dream is to be a full-time fiction author. He writes stories he wants to read, which end up as fast-paced thrilling escape stories meant for one thing: to entertain the reader from beginning to end. His most recent work, Spiral, is a horror thriller wild ride you won't soon forget. Visit him at





The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scrapbooking Saturday #4

 9th = The last of the Paper World supplies were used ( aside from the journal).

As for the rest, I used an different journal and supplies from another source.








*** If you have seen any weekly meme like thin this one , please let me know.