Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWBC #30: Combine Topics 3

Hello All !!!

Once again there were a couple topics that I wanted to post about, and again I missed. I also want to have posted a certain number of blog entries in the month of April, but that didn't work out either. So here are three topics for this week.

April 17th = Introvert vs. Extrovert - Which One Are You? 

If I had to pick I would say that I am an Introvert. If I was being totally honest, I would say that I am neither. It's like I am just here.

24th = Songs that Confused Me When I Was a Kid. 

I am sure that I am not alone on this is one. One song that definitely confused me was "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel. If you look passed everything, it's a cool song.

This Week = How I feel About Staycations

As far as the word itself goes, it sounds very made-up to me. Of course, I guess, all words are made-up until they are added to the dictionary. 

As for the activity, I' m all for it.

I do plan on posting about next week's topic, but .... well, as you can see...

Until Next time....

*** The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is a weekly meme hosted by Long and Short Reviews

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