Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Post #111: August 2024 Tells


Hello All !!! Happy September.

There were two TMST topics that I missed and wanted to answer. 

The first: Stars, Letter Grades, Nothing? How do you rate books? 

The best I am able to use at the moment is the  smiling emoji (😊). I considered using a capital 'C', but I didn't know if anyone would understand that choice. 

The second: How long have you been blogging? And has your blog changed over time?

I had this blog since June of 2016 . I didn't think I would have had it for this long. In fact, I thought I would have quickly forgotten about it. I most certainly hope that it changed (for the better).

*** Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That's What I'm Talking About

Post Rewind 

📌 Aug. 16th = Book Blast: Dishing Love Daily

📌 17th = Scrapbooking Saturday #1

📌 20th = [double post day] Book Blast: Journey to the Dark Galaxy .... Book Blast: The Lonely Australian of the Asian Night

📌 22nd = Long and Short Reviews 17th Anniversary Bash

📌 27th = Release Blitz: First Time

📌 28th = Except Reveal: Iced

📌 31st = Scrapbooking Saturday #2


📚 His Wicked Seduction (by: Lauren Smith) = moved to read shelf (Finally 😆)

Currently Reading 


Currently Listening


*** If you don't have anything to say about this week's topic, you can comment on any other part of the post or just say "hi".

*** I am always having to edit many of my posts. If I made any grammar mistakes, I will eventually fix them.

*** The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer


  1. I've had my blog since 2007, but there are a few years where I didn't post at all. I use stars for ratings.

  2. I had my blog since 2012. I can't believe it's been over 10 years since I've been blogging!

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!
