Wednesday, August 18, 2021

WWBC #20: One Task

Hello All! I decided to do something different with this week's challenge.

The one task I wish I never had to do again would be making salads. I used to work at a salad restaurant. While I loved working with my co-workers and was grateful to have a job, some salads became insane. I will explain. Customers could customize their order (salad and/or sandwich). More than one customer would want so many toppings that it literally would not fit in one bowl. 

Until next week....

*** The Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge is hosted by Long and Short Reviews


  1. I can see where making salads to order for other people could be a pain. I enjoy doing it for myself, though!

  2. That does seem like it would get old after a while.

  3. I had not considered salads as a pain point, but I can see it.

  4. Yes, I can see myself getting fed up with that.

  5. I guess there's a big difference between preparing your own salad at home and preparing tons of different ones for so many other people.
