Wednesday, March 1, 2023

WWBC #26: First Site and Favorite Subject

 Hello All !
Welcome to my first Wednesday Blog Challenge of 2023 ! I hope it finds you well.

I wanted to post about last week's challenge, but missed it... obviously.

Last week asked: What was the first site you remember visiting?

Aside from search engines, the first site I can remember was called "" . I loved that site.

This week's topic is favorite school subject.

Mine was  yearbook. Yep! There was a class specifically for making the yearbook. I am proud to admit that I took that class for my junior and senior years. It was an easy A. 

That is it for this week. I plan on posting the 32nd challenge.
Until then.....

*** The Wednesday Weekly Blog Challenge is a weekly meme hosted by Long and Short Reviews


  1. I remember Bolt, with its customise-able themes. Those were the days!

  2. Welcome! Yearbook is a cool answer.

  3. I did Yearbook my senior year --- so much fun!

  4. I'm honestly impressed, as this is an answer I'd never even considered. And yet, pulling together a yearbook seems like it would involve a whole bunch of skills that could easily be applied elsewhere, later on.

  5. Come to think of it, I did have Journalism/Newspaper the last period or two for the day...I was Editor of my high school newspaper and I LOVED that...thanks for the catalyst to my memory!

  6. That sounds like a fantastic combination of art and language class. I'm not surprised you liked it. I *am* surprised Blogspot hid this post behind a "sensitive content" warning, though. That made me expect something like "My favorite class was Group Therapy for Survivors of the Awfully Unpleasant Incident."
